Who is Union built for?

Union is built those who care about decentralization and reliability, and believe that finance should be accessible for everyone. Our expertise lies in consensus verification, BLS signatures and complex distributed systems. Union has no dependencies on trusted third parties, oracles, multi-signatures, or MPC. We envision a massively horizontally scaled future where thousands of chains can permissionless connect and access accounts, funds and contracts across chains.

Our core values:

Union is developed to be a scalable powerhouse for interoperability:

Our bet on interoperability…

Modularism is here to stay. We will continue to see developers building across various ecosystem clusters. As more chains and rollups thrive within these clusters, the demand for sovereign interoperability will become greater than ever.

Network graph where each node is an ecosystem and each line represents shared developers:


Source: Electric Capital, Developer Report (2023)

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